
Set Swap Transaction Fees

As the owner of a DEX, you can customize the transaction fee amounts based on your project's goals.

The Fee Breakdown window indicates the percentage allocated to each fee category.

Total Swap Fees cannot exceed 1%

LP Reward Fee

Incentive users to provide liquidity to your DEX by rewarding them with LP Rewards collected from every swap transaction.

Buy Back and Burn Fee

Utilize Buy Back and Burn Fees to buy a preselected token with a percentage of transaction fees and automatically burn it.

Be sure to input the token contract address you wish to burn in the box as done below:

LP Reward & Buy Back Burn Fees can only be applied to your DEX's liquidity pools. If you are aggregating liquidity through your DEX, the above does not apply to your swap.

Team Fee

Collect a Team Fee to power continued development or marketing of your project.

Whether your users swap on your own liquidity pools or aggregated pools, you always earn a percentage of every transactions occuring on your DEX.

Fee Allocator

After setting your DEX fees, select the Fee Allocator tab to input the receiving addresses.

Multiple destinations can be added by clicking Add Another Destination. If one of the destinations is a Staking Pool, select the drop down toggle and indicate Yes.

Paste the wallet and/or contract addresses in each field. Select the corresponding allocation that destination should receive from fees.

The Total Allocated fees must add up to 100% or cannot be saved.

Last updated